My Five True Pairings

Since I’m a huge follower of the Asian entertainment, I am going to present to you these 5 pairings that surely caused me to lose sleep, stare into nothingness, spazz like a loony, and make me blissful and in love even if I really suck at the romance department. Here they are…

No. 5: The SoEul Couple (Kim Bum and Kim So Eun)Soeul3

The Formula: Dazzling Young Guy + Cute Young Woman

The reason why I’ve continued watching Boys Over Flowers no matter how painfully agonizing the drama was because of this couple. Talk about pure chemistry! MinSun fans, don’t kill me, but I strongly think that the Soeul couple has more intense chemistry. They are superbly refreshing to see in front of the screen. I guess it’s in the way Kim Bum stares at Kim So Eun that totally made me hyperventilate when I get to watch them. They look so good together. And it’s spazz worthy to think that they are friends in real life and share the same college. Maybe in two or three years, they might start dating. Let’s just cross our fingers for that.

No. 4: ChunElla (Wu Chun and Ella Chen)


The Formula: Pretty Boy + Androgenic Girl

Okay, I’m serious. They’re cute. They’re the unconventional pair and that’s why I’m crazy for this couple. Ella might not be called a beauty to present standards, but I really think that she has this certain appeal that make a lot of guys adore her. And yes, that includes our dear Chunnie. They’ve been rumored since their Hana Kimi Days and there are still a lot of people who think that they might be dating in real life. There are so many hints and coincidences surrounding these two. Their relationship is truly a mystery and I wish to decode it someday.Haha.

I really love watching Chunnie’s interviews when he talks about Ella. His tone changes into a cute one and he always has this tender look on his face. But then, he claims that they are just close friends and he sees Ella as his little brother. Whatever. I see otherwise.

No. 3 : Jun-Mao Couple (Jun Matsumoto and Inoue Mao)


The Formula: The Innocent Lady + The Not-So-Innocent-Looking-But-Adorable Guy

I think I was really close to having a heart attack when I watched Hana Yori Dango Final. Oh, the kisses they shared were hot! Seriously, were they even acting? And what’s with the frequent tender look Jun always gives Mao? I swear I’ve seen a couple of Jun’s dramas, he never stared at her leading ladies the way he stared at Mao. I really have loads of fun when I get to watch their interviews and BTS. My take is that Jun is questionably protective of Mao. And why is that? Because they’re tight? Come on. We know better. I will surely have a seizure if they ever announce that they are dating for real in the near future.

No. 2: ArJoe Couple (Ariel Lin and Joe Cheng)


The Formula: Old Married Couple Vibe

Whoever thought to pair these two is truly a genius. Many of us laughed, cried, and fell in love in their three series together. And their chemistry never fades away. It just keeps getting stronger as the years pass by. I think that what’s truly special between them is that they are real friends. They understand and support each other and that positively radiates onscreen. They look so convincing as a married couple, I swear that a lot of times I think that they really are, and so does Joe’s I’ve read before that Joe courted Ariel twice and she turned him down twice. I guess third time’s the charm? I sincerely hope that Ariel would realize what a catch Joe is. I’m really rooting for these two. ArJoe, jia you!

No. 1: Ssangchu Couple (Kim Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo)



The Formula: Caring and Beautiful Older Bride + Quirky, Charming, and Gorgeous Younger Groom

Of course, they took the first spot. I’m a JoongBo fan! Haha. Seriously, I’m so in love with this couple. And the feeling never gets old. Their much celebrated pairing in We Got Married inspired a lot of people. Although it has been 8 months since they parted ways, there are still a lot of fans who continue to support them. It’s totally understable since it’s not everyday that you can find an extraordinary love story unfold before your eyes. It’s not everyday that you get to see a once lost guy gradually becoming a better man. It’s not everyday that you see a good woman positively radiating of happiness whenever her kid groom was around. As what I’ve said before, they were the most genuine and inspirational couple I have ever watched. They also made me grin like a total idiot, spazz like there’s no tomorrow, and made me giddy like a school girl. They truly complement each other and they bring out the best in each other. I can clearly see L-O-V-E whenever they look at each other.  I do hope that one of these days, they’ll get to realize that. That is, if they haven’t realized it yet. With all  the teasings, the talking t-shirts, the secret code ring, the blonde skeleton guy in Hwang Bo’s minihompy, and Hyun Joong’s eyebrow-raising answers in interviews, I doubt if they even considered letting go of each other.

8 Responses to “My Five True Pairings”

  1. 1 angie9705 July 24, 2009 at 5:03 am

    I just hope we can see them together again….It drives me crazy surfing the webs hoping there will be news about these two….sometimes I watched WGM again just to fill my thirst about them. I hope they realized that here we are waiting for them to continue what they have started.

  2. 2 marites July 31, 2009 at 5:42 pm

    i so agree with you angie…they are PERFECT
    for each other..they’re just so meant to be…

    still believing..


  3. 3 yielinghuai August 9, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    wow, my top 3 are in here too xD

    🙂 i agree, ssangchu, chunella and the soeul couple are so meant to be. 😀 i don’t know about the other 2 but they seem cute too. 🙂

    it’s just a matter of time. ^^

  4. 5 dennia January 30, 2010 at 4:28 am

    thank for including my top 3 couple..

  5. 6 Gemma July 9, 2010 at 8:03 am

    Hyun Joong Oppa!!!
    I LOVE Hwangbo and Hyun Joong SO MUCH D:
    They truely did love eachother, ive seen WGM over 100 times… its undiniable!!
    and WU CHUN AND ELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. 7 shincheng December 26, 2010 at 8:49 am

    waaa!!ArJoe and JunMao♥
    I love them much^^
    I’m looking forward to watch WGM..I think it’s good:)

  7. 8 مجنونةاليابان January 2, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    matsumoto jun and inoue mao
    so cute beatufiul loveeee
    soki daisuki

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